Artist Statement


Andante VII © Kerry Itami

The warm music from the musical instruments to our ears, the key changes within a symphonic movement, the unexpected breeze while listening to a live performance. Stepping away for a moment, I bring light into the deeper work on canvas.

We live in a fast changing world. We run and chase, pivot and reform; sometimes we lose sense of the ground and who we truly are. Setting time for ourselves, away from the busy world is crucial.

Textures and layers of my abstract composition provide a place for you to let go of your busy day; contemplate with the profound thoughts you have deep within. While different untouchable emotions surface and release, clarity and answer can unfold before you. These paintings offer lights and hold space; it radiates to you. It’s best viewing the original in person.

The inspirations of my abstract paintings come from a new found place after my recovering from a medical wake up call years ago … traveling into a deep authentic place within. With long time discipline, I bring you my hard learned lesson and journey. The work you see here, I composed them based on Neuroscience focusing on Bottom up visual processing. My paintings capture the unseen and translate it into a visual form. I invite you to interpret my paintings in your own authentic ways.

#WhatDoYouSee #BottomUpVisualProcess #Neuroscience

Recapitulations II ©Kerry Itami

"The canvas is static but the content is dynamic." -KI

These abstract work offers you dynamic content. On a different day, new perspectives may unfold before you. Allow your imagination and interpretation to run free. Let go and be. Tap into the true self you have deep within you, your intrinsic potential. Enjoy the same abstract piece differently. Enjoy!